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Deb E Reads (& writes)

My biggest passion is Writing, for which I must read. Luckily, I enjoy that too.

Currently reading

Heiress of Magic
Sonya Lano
Progress: 54 %
Witch Song
Amber Argyle
Planning Your Novel: Ideas and Structure (Foundations of Fiction #1)
Janice Hardy
The Golden Compass
Philip Pullman
The Fiery Cross
Diana Gabaldon
Denise Grover Swank
Dance in Winter
Sonya Lano
True Blood Omnibus (Sookie Stackhouse, #1-3)
Charlaine Harris
The Black Lung Captain (Tales Of The Ketty Jay, #2)
Chris Wooding
Call of the Herald (The Dawning of Power, #1)
Brian Rathbone

The First Law Trilogy

The First Law Trilogy - Joe Abercrombie Done, done, dooooone...

Phew! Epic read.

Really enjoyed it. Really good. Not exactly a happy ending, but satisfying, none-the-less. And, overall, I guess most characters got about what they deserved... I think.

I'm looking forward to re-reading the other three books now that I have the background I gained from this one (these ones...).