I'm going to say that I liked this, because I did. Really liked it? Hmm, no, I don't think so.I really liked the opening - Brent Weeks has a real talent for introducing his characters and putting you right in the action without losing you. But, later, I did find I got a bit lost. There were twists and turns and double-crosses that, eventually, I stopped "backing" some characters - I just didn't care anymore. And the main love interest, Elene ... she got a bit boring. I was actually rooting for Kylar to change his mind and go after Vi - she was cool and deserved some happiness. I think it was her flaws that drew me to her, actually.It's an enjoyable enough read, with shades of real promise. I can see why it's popular; Mr Weeks does have some talent.I'm glad I read [b:The Black Prism|7165300|The Black Prism (Lightbringer, #1)|Brent Weeks|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1327921884s/7165300.jpg|7534979] before I read this. I fear that if I'd read this first, I wouldn't have picked up Mr Weeks' latest offering. Maybe/Maybe not hard to know for sure. But the newer offering shows signs of improvement in my opinion. I've already ordered my copy of the next book!